International Dot Day, activities, song, poster, t shirt, shirts, ideas, lesson plans, 2018, 2019

Thursday 30 August 2018


Hello everyone. In less than three weeks the new school year will begin. Along with the release of pencils, the return of the uniform or the mandilón and the snack bag, the books are the main protagonists of this return, but in addition to the text, there is one that deserves special attention: The point of Peter Reynolds. 

Every year, on September 15, the INTERNATIONAL DOT DAY = Dot Day is celebrated on the planet. This celebration takes place in schools around the world and its purpose is none other than to encourage and encourage the creativity of students. The events take place in the school and each center proposes a range of activities around the book.
Peter H. Reynolds is one of the Reynolds twins, born in Canada but residing in the USA. Both say that part of their humor or genius is due to the eccentricity of their parents, two Brits mad with the Monty Python. The point, is the first title of a trilogy created to encourage the creativity of children, is in particular an invitation to self-expression, but what was the motivation of the illustrator to create this work? In the words of PH Reynolds himself: 

"I visit classes often and ask who likes to draw. In kindergarten all raise their hands. Then, as I go asking in the upper classes, the number of hands up decreases until, finally, no one raises his hand or point to the "artist of the class"

After endless translations of the work throughout the world, Reynolds Point (the Spanish edition is Serres) has acquired in its own right the category of Essential Book, both for its ability to promote reading and for his support work in the growth and development of artistic skills among his readers. 

In the web of the celebration you will find the information to join the celebrations, as well as a lot of info and related activities to celebrate in class the INTERNATIONAL DOT DAY. You can also contribute yours, do not think about it, The point is the point and in times of crisis like the one we are going through, we need references that lead us on the right path; as Reynolds says:

Because where there is a point there is a path

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